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Informasi Perusahaan
  • Alamat

    Jln. Gatot Subroto No. 68 Buduran Sidoarjo

  • Telepon


  • Skala Perusahaan

    >1000 Karyawan

  • Gaya Berpakaian

    Bebas Berkemeja

  • Waktu Bekerja

    Senin - Sabtu

Profil Perusahaan

PT Bernofarm Pharmaceutical (Surabaya) Along with the government growth and development program for nationwide healthcare to Indonesian people, PT. Bernofarm realizes that health has become one of the most important factors in upgrading the welfare and building national productivity. To keep up with the government programs, Bernofarm keep on innovating to contribute its best for the health of Indonesian people. Bernofarm began its business on March 13, 1971. This company has transformed from its humble family oriented company employing 20 personals to the private owned company managed by group of, innovative and smart worked professionals from manufacturing, supporting, and marketing side of 1200 employees who are committed to reach company vision. Nowadays Bernofarm has developed a complete therapeutic product range for all upper and lower segments supported by strong financial productivity, and capacity of manufacturing

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